Skin Care
Skin Prone to Psoriasis
Psoriasis affects about 2 % of the population, which means that only in the Czech Republic there are over 200,000 people suffering from this disease. Suffering is an apt word to describe this condition, as psoriasis dramatically affects all areas of life. From simple physical pain, to mental harm, to ruined work and personal relationships. It can occur at any age, but most often in adulthood and primarily in two periods – around puberty and around 40 – 50 years of age. Unlike in the last century when men were more often its victims, psoriasis now affects about an equal number of both sexes. The disease is, like diabetes or rheumatism, of an autoimmune origin. The causes of psoriasis are not fully known. Some people are more likely to develop psoriasis than others, especially if they have a family member suffering from this condition. Up to thirty percent of these patients have a disability in the family. However, it is not the disease which is inherited but the predisposition. When one parent has psoriasis, the likelihood their child will develop the disease is 30 %, while 70 % if both parents have psoriasis. In others, the disease might be triggered by an external factor, such as injury or infection of the skin, exposure to ultraviolet radiation, certain drugs (e.g., lithium), excessive consumption of alcohol, smoking, psychological stress, etc.
Psoriasis is not contagious!
Biodelta - an organic composition suitable for dry skin prone to psoriasis and atopic eczema. Relaxing baths containing microflora Pythium oligandrum. It is used as a bath, wrap, or rinse of the scalp. For smaller pockets of infection, it is suitable to use the cream Biogama - a product containing microflora Pythium oligandrum suitable for skin care with a tendency to formation of moulds and for the care of dry skin with psoriasis.
Smart Fungus Pythie BIO Biogama - is an alternative organic product. It is an organic product suitable for the skin prone to psoriasis and atopic eczema.
Between individual applications of Biodelta and Biogama, it is advisable to use our smart fungus products to grease the skin: Pythie Biogama Fine Ointment - suitable for dry skin prone to psoriasis and atopic eczema or Pythie Biogama Oil Bath - suitable for dry skin prone to psoriasis and atopic eczema, which is added to the bath.
Skin Prone to Atopic Eczema
Biodelta - an organic product suitable for dry skin prone to psoriasis and atopic eczema. Relaxing baths containing microflora Pythium oligandrum. It is used as a bath, wrap, or rinse of the scalp. For smaller pockets of infection, it is suitable to use the cream Biogama - a product containing microflora Pythium oligandrum suitable for skin care with a tendency to formation of moulds and for the care of dry skin with psoriasis. Both of the products slightly dry out the skin, and therefore we recommend greasing the skin about an hour after the application. Smart Fungus Pythie BIO Biogama is an alternative organic product.
Between individual applications of Biodelta and Biogama, it is advisable to use our smart fungus products to grease the skin: Pythie Biogama Fine Ointment - suitable for dry skin prone to psoriasis and atopic eczema, Pythie Biogama Oil Bath Atopica - suitable for dry skin prone to psoriasis and atopic eczema, which is added to the bath, or Pythie Baby Oil Bath Atopica - suitable for children skin prone to atopic eczema.
Susceptibility to Rash
In case of rash, whether in children or adults, we offer rapid assistance in the form of the ointment Pythie Baby.
Pythie Baby - Rash Ointment - suitable for the delicate skin of children. It is especially suitable for the care of irritated and sore skin.
Susceptibility to Eczema (in children)
The causes of eczema are various substances present in our environment with which one comes into daily contact. Some cause eczema by direct contact with the skin, some by inhalation or ingestion. In case of development of eczema, heredity plays an important role. And this also includes atopic eczema. Possible causes of this disease are sometimes explained by frequent migration of people to cities or more intensive environmental pollution.
The children form of atopic eczema occurs in the pre-school and school age. Rash on the face moves down to the elbows, popliteal holes, neck, wrists, and backs of the hands. The skin does not weep anymore, it is rather coarse, with abrasions from scratching, as the severe itching persists even in this period. Itchy little bumps may appear from time to time on the trunk and limbs, while scratching them may cause penetration of the septic infection into the skin.
Pythie Baby - Rash Ointment - suitable for the delicate skin of children. It is especially suitable for the care of irritated and sore skin.
Pythie Baby - Oil Bath Atopica - suitable for the delicate skin of children. It is especially suitable for the care of irritated and sore skin.
Skin Care for Diabetics
Diabetics have slower healing and a weaker immune system. The main symptoms include blurred vision, change in the sense of sweet taste, itching of the skin and the typical dry itchy infection pockets, thirst, fatigue, and frequent urination. Slowly healing wounds and tingling legs (nerve damage) are especially bothersome.
The diabetic foot syndrome is a relatively common and sad complication of type 1 and 2 diabetes patients. Many cases of diabetic foot eventually end up in extensive amputations. Unnecessarily, as the risk of development of complications can be relatively easily reduced.
Pythie Diabetic - Fine Ointment with Sea Buckthorns - suitable for skin care with a tendency to formation of moulds and for the care of dry skin in diabetes.
Pythie Diabetic - Oil Bath with Sea Buckthorns - suitable for skin care with a tendency to formation of moulds and for the care of dry skin with psoriasis.
Care for Non-Healing Wounds
Venous leg ulcers are a manifestation of a blood stasis in the legs. In the event of overpressure in the bloodstream, the so-called venous insufficiency occurs. The veins in the legs widen and the heart valves lose their proper function and leak blood back. The bloodstream in the limbs slows down, while the fluid from the blood in congested veins passes into the skin where it develops swelling. This eventually results in the failure of nourishment of the skin. Swelling of the limbs worsens during the day – at night or in the elevated position of the limbs, by contrast, it subsides or even completely disappears. Accumulation of dye from damaged red blood cells in the epidermis creates pigmentation changes, one of the earliest manifestations of disorders of tissues nourishment and hair loss. Gradually, other changes take place, along with the formation of ulcers. Very often, their immediate cause are minor skin injuries, which serve for infection as a gateway into the human body. The incidence of venous ulcers increases with age, with women being affected more often than men.
BIOMYCOSIN - a product containing microflora Pythium oligandrum suitable for skin care and treatment of physiological microbial flora in healing damaged skin.